Reiki Healing and PCOS/Endometriosis
Reiki Healing and PCOS/Endometriosis
Reiki Healing and PCOS/Endometriosis

When I was diagnosed with PCOS, Endometriosis and Hashimotos disease I was relieved to finally find out what was wrong with me, but I was also overwhelmed with how I could heal from these illnesses. I remember how I felt throughout this time, I was constantly bleeding, fatigued and had severe gut issues and weight gain (no two women have the same symptoms with PCOS or Endometriosis, that’s why it was so hard to get diagnosed). I had ignored these symptoms for a long time because I was too busy to stop and look after myself but my body had another plan. It forced me to stop and slow down for long enough to figure out what was wrong with me. Fortunately I was able to reverse the PCOS and Endometriosis and have now got my underactive thyroid and Hashimotos disease under control as well through a small dose of daily Oroxine, change in my diet, regular exercise, yoga, meditating and self care routines.

It was a long and stressful road to recovery however I learnt a lot about myself along the way. I followed my Doctors advice and done everything he had advised me to do, some things worked and some things didn’t. I have spent an endless amount of hours in waiting rooms. I have had three surgeries to remove cysts from my ovaries, I have seen a dietician to help me to lose weight, I have had ultrasound after ultrasound and throughout this period of my life I was so busy looking after my physical symptoms that were improving but I wasn’t aware how much desperately my emotional and mental health symptoms needed attention too.

How Natural Healing Therapies Supported my Healing

I was highly anxious, stressed and overwhelmed. I was constantly tired and angry and when the physical symptoms started to settle down the emotional symptoms were louder than ever. It was at this time that I was introduced to Holistic healings and natural therapies. I had my first experience of a Reiki healing and Emotional Freedom Technique – EFT session (EFT is similar to acupuncture but with no needles, instead tapping on meridian points)  and through regular sessions it worked miracles for me alongside, changing my diet, exercising, introducing vitamins and natural supplements.

How does Reiki and Emotional Freedom Technique help with PCOS and Hashimotos Disease

Reiki helps to calm and balance the body and the mind. Reiki treatments help to reduce stress, renew your energy and provide you with the relaxation that you need to restore your body to a sense of balance. Reiki is a form of energy healing to aid relaxation, assist in the body’s natural healing process, and develop emotional, mental and spiritual well being. ​It is also used to induce deep relaxation, help people cope with difficulties, relieve emotional stress, and improve overall wellbeing.

Regular Reiki Sessions will support you in reducing the symptoms of PCOS. It is a painless treatment compared to many other treatments available out there. It has also helped women to become pregnant and I have worked with many women who have become pregnant when they have started Reiki and EFT treatments alongside their other health treatments.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Or Tapping For A Sense Of Well-Being

Another treatment that has it’s beginnings in Chinese medicine, EFT works on the body’s energy (or meridian) channels. By stimulating certain points in your body, you are able to access the brain’s stress and fear response and lessen their effect on you.


How Does EFT Work?


EFT works by tapping on certain meridian points in the body while addressing an identified issue or problem. Using the power of positive statements and the rhythm of tapping specific energy points, the body’s energy balance is able to be restored and emotional healing to happen. Just as acupuncture uses needles to apply pressure and balance energy flow, EFT uses tapping with fingers to simulate acupressure.

Emotional Freedom Technique has been used to treat the following:

  • Weight loss – eliminate food cravings
  • Pain relief
  • Stress, anxiety and depression
  • Negative thoughts about body image
  • Relieves anger, guilt, resentment
  • Eating disorders

Why I became a Reiki Master and EFT Practitioner


My experience with these illnesses and the treatment plan that I followed supported me in my own healing is the reason I chose to change career paths and study Reiki and become a Reiki Master, EFT Practitioner, Meditation Trainer and Holistic Wellness Coach. This change in career was something I wasn’t expecting in my life but once I healed from my past trauma and other emotional issues I found my true purpose and that was supporting women who are experiencing the same issues that I had experienced and healed from.

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